Someone just bought a big plot of land next to ours and is using it for hunting. The other day I was taking a walk in our woods and I heard shooting very close to the property line.
Is there anything I can do if I find out that they're shooting towards my property? What if they start hunting ON our property? I'm not really sure what to do if I do catch them doing that, but I would like to know just in case. What do you do when you find trespassers hunting on your land?
Is your property posted with No hunting No trespassing signs?
Are the property boundaries clearly defined or marked?
Have you even bothered to speak to the new owner about hunting and trespassing on your land?
Before getting the law involved in what is now a hypothetical situation, try actually being a man and go talk to the new owners about hunting and trespassing on your land.
You might also want to hang some signage and get some orange plastic tape to mark your property lines if they aren't already marked.It never hurts to have your boundary lines marked.What do you do when you find trespassers hunting on your land?
Tell them to stay off your land. Then post no trespassing signs along the perimeter of your property. IMPORTANT when in the woods during hunting season even if it is your land WEAR BLAZE ORANGE just in case they decided to hunt on your property(you do not want them thinking you are a deer or something that they are hunting). But if you find them hunting on your property DO NOT confront them go back to your house and call the police and the Dept. of Fish and Game. In fact the police might call the Dept. of Fish and Game when they get there.
Hope this Helped
The simple and most effective thing to do is to put up proper POSTED signs all along your property line where it joins with this neighbor. Properly posted land is enforced by law officers. In rural areas, it is the job of the Sheriff's dept. and Game Wardens to enforce posted property. While it is not necessarily enforceable by law, it may be helpful to add signs which tell people on adjoining land not to shoot in this direction because there are people within _______ yards of this sign.
First you need to put up No Hunting signs on the boundary of your property. Put them close enough to where you can stand by one and see the next one easily. Perhaps a combination No Trespassing, No Hunting sign would be best. You might also talk to the adjoining land owner and tell him that you do not allow hunting on your property and would like for him to inform all the people he allows to hunt about your wishes. Be a good neighbor.
post signs, get some motion cameras near the signs. could also post up beware of traps (or some such) signs to keep em out maybe. where I come from if you walk onto a man's land during hunting season and you ain't supposed to be there...*shrug* he'll give you a reason to leave. you can try being a good neighbor first, but i know I wouldn't want anyone shooting at my house. it only takes 1 accident to ruin your life.
Just tell them how you feel about them hunting on your proporty and if you do not feel comfortible tell them that. and if they do not listen to you contact the game warden or police department.
i would become freindly and talk to them about it also put up some no tresspasing signs but no to many
As this guy just bought that property, he may not know exactly where the property line is. A good neighbor would show him. Second, as he just bought the property, it is possible he knows EXACTLY where the property line is because he has the legal documentation, but you are misremembering exactly where that line is. Either way, you two neighbors should sit down and discuss where the property line is.
Then, post no tresspass and no hunting signs on the property line.
Note, he can stand an inch from your property line and shoot. There are laws regarding how close you can be to a building, but not a property line. However he can't shoot AT animals on your property, so he'd have no reason to do so. If he did shoot an animal on your property he'd not be able to go and get it.
A hunter has the legal right to enter posted no-tresspass and no-hunting land in the following two situations only. #1 to retreive a hunting dog. In this case the hunter needs to leave his firearm behind. #2 in pursuit of a wounded animal that was shot legally when that animal was outside the posted area and then ran into the posted area. A hunter who crosses a no-hunting line to end the suffering of a wounded animal is going to be immune from tresspass prosecution. However, a legal grey area is if the land owner can demand the hunter leave behind the animal once it is killed.
Finally, ask your neighbor about the risk factor. A rifle bullet can travel more than a mile, so maybe your neighbor isn't the risk, maybe it is the guy even further away. However, a shotgun like used for hunting pheasants, quail, and ducks, those aren't dangerous beyond about 100 yards
these answers are great but the one way to truly have them is to put up a small building, by law the discharge of a firearm need to be a certain distance away if they shoot closer they need the owners permission. in all of the states I have lived it has been 150 or more.
also setup trail cams to see how close they are to your land so you have hard evidence of their illegal activity.
put up no trespassing signs and call the owner of the land and tell him/her the way you fell about people who you don't know shooting high caliber guns next to your home and land.
as a hunter my self I have the most respect for people in your situation, so I would be completely respectful of your view. but also as a hunter being around the Low class hunters I have heard stories of people trespassing to hunt and of people who shoot deer on the other side of the fence and drag him back to their side. so the signs will be the eye catcher to those honest hunters. but if they want to go under a fence to get game they will.
this problem is at the beginning which is great to set it straight. so I would start out with the steps in this order.
# 1 talk to land owner, ask him to extend the no shooting range, instead of it being on the fence line.
#2 hunters continue to shoot on the fence line put up a small shed (to count as the inhabited building) then involve the law.
#3 set up a trail cam that send the pictures directly to computer in case they take it, taking the trail cam will be vandalism so be sure you can prove that you bought one and had it set up. with the evidence going straight to your computer you will be able to make and print copy's quickly. show the police what has happened and explain the story.
#5 hunter still go on land and police did not help, it is time to get real. you need to post trapping signs and set bear traps on the property along the fence line to stop them from crossing over and I mean visible metal bear traps. they will think that their are more hidden and will definitely wont trespass. this Idea is not meant to hurt any one on purpose but this is America and you don't need low class disrespectful people tromping on your land. this is the very last resort, this would be done if a lawsuit dose not work. it is not be done other wise and hopefully your case or anyones case will not ever reach this point as the police should take car of it. but I have see it done out west when mule deer hunting, and I don't blame the guy either.
and you mentioned shooting near you property that is grounds for arrest right their.
but remember the very 1st step TALK TO THE land owner as he should obey your request, then if he come off as -i say yes to you but do it any way- then become firm and tell him you have no problem taking you to court and putting you in jail if it means the safety of me and others.
I want you to keep in mind I have covered the lightest way of dealing with your situation to the most extreme way to deal with it if it was completely way out of control and things to do in a last resort situation.
this will work and you will do great in handling the situation, get it done as soon as possible as this could turn worse quicker than anticipated.
great luck
Anyone who steps on your property is trespassing, and can be charged with criminal trespassing.* No posted signs are required.* I.D. them and file charges at the Justice of the Peace Office.*
Call the police/sheriff, do it now before someone gets killed.
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