Friday, August 6, 2010

How do I stop my indoor/outdoor cats from hunting and bringing their prey indoors?

They have only within the past few months started bringing their prey inside, and as you may be able to imagine it can be quite disturbing even gross. I realize that they are proud of what they are doing and want to share but I would prefer that they left the bounty outside.How do I stop my indoor/outdoor cats from hunting and bringing their prey indoors?
There really isn't much you can do. I, too, have indoor/outdoor cats and my female is ALWAYS bringing me stuff. It isn't just that she's proud of her catch, but that she is also showing her affection for you by ';providing'; for you. The best you can do is take it back outside. I can't tell you how often I wake up to a dead lizard in my room or the kitchen. Generally it's a half a lizard, but that is almost worse than just a whole dead one. I'm afraid she's going to graduate to chip munks and birds...that'll be rough!

So, thank your cats for their offerings, and reward them because it is only their nature, but other than that, I can't say there is any way for you to stop them.

Good luck in trying though!How do I stop my indoor/outdoor cats from hunting and bringing their prey indoors?
The only way to keep your cat from bringing in prey, is not letting your cat outside. I know you want to let your cat do it's thing, but here are some reasons for keeping your kitty inside other than half eaten lizards on your kitchen floor.

Cars - Thousands of cats get hit by cars every year. If they are lucky, they die instantly.

Car engines - Cats seek warmth. In the winter they tend to climb up inside car engines where they can be subsequently ground up.

Anti-freeze - Cats like the sweet taste of anti-freeze, and they will lick it if able. Anti-freeze is extremely toxic and your cat will die a painful death within hours of ingesting it. It can take less than a teaspoon to kill a full-size cat or dog! (I unfortunately know people who put out cat food with anti-freeze in it to intentionally kill cats - and I am trying to stop this horrible behavior).

Poisoning - There are people who don't like cats and will set out poison on their property. Others may put poison out to get rid of other wildlife that wanders onto their property and your cat may accidentally ingest it.

Fighting - Your cat could be killed by dogs, raccoons, or other wildlife. Some people train their dogs to attack and kill cats.

Fighting Part II - Believe it or not, cats can kill each other during their fights.

FELV - Feline Leukemia destroys a cat's immune system. It is transmitted through body fluids. Even a sneeze can pass the virus from one cat to another. The vaccine for FELV is only 70 to 75% effective. Cats infected usually die within two years.

FIV - Feline Immunosuppressive Virus also destroys a cat's immune system. It is transmitted through body fluids and cuts a cat's lifespan in half. There is no vaccination for FIV.

FIP - Feline Infectious Peritonitis. FIP is always 100% fatal. Tests and vaccines for FIP are not reliable.

Animal Abuse - Cats are often shot with BB guns; burned with lighters, firecrackers; tortured by people causing loss of limbs, eyes, etc.

Starving to Death - People think that because they have lived in the same house for a number of years that their cat is too smart to wander off and get lost. NOT TRUE. People also think that because their cat has never left the front yard that it go any farther. NOT TRUE.

Getting Trapped - Your cat could get lost in somebody else's garage or utility shed. He could suffer brain damage if trapped in extreme heat or could suffer frostbite if trapped in extreme cold.

Research Labs - Your cat could get stolen and sold to a research lab.

Parasitic Infections - Your cat could eat something (rat, mouse, bird) and die of a parasitic infection

SPCA - Your cat could get taken in by someone thinking it is a stray. They might keep your cat or take it to the SPCA where it will be euthanized.

Unintentional Poisoning - By pesticides, lawn products, etc.

Fleas, ticks, worms, ringworm - Your cat could transmit these to other pets and people in the household.

Drowning - Your cat could accidentally fall in a swimming pool and drown.

Steel-Jaw Traps - People who live in the country think it's great to let cats out to roam. But many times domestic dogs and cats get caught in steel-jaw traps intended for other animals.

Spraying - When cats go outside they smell other cats' territorial markings. This may prompt your cat to start spraying inside the house to mark his territory.
So. If your boy/girl friend bought you a ring, you would give it back? That is what your cats are doing. Bringing you gifts. Occasionally they will bring you a live one and try to teach you how to catch it. I don't think there is any way to break this behavior. It is just in their instincts.
It is brining you presents like it would its mama. It doesn't know that you don't like it.Thank the kitty and when it turns its back throw the prey out (trash can so the cat doesn't know)

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