Friday, August 6, 2010

What I wanna know is; Whats the difference between people hunting deer out there and Michael Vick's dog fights

Why is it okay to hunt the poor innocent deer and other animals and eat them for dinner but there is such a big deal about this dog fighting. Why is deer hunting looked at as a sport but dog fighting is a crime punishable with prison time? Is it possible that because the majority of hunters are caucasion and the people who have dog fights are minorities. They have trophies for animal hunters and some people even hand the deer heads in their living rooms. I think both are wrong and if Michael Vick has to do jail time for gog fighting, hunters should also do jail time because both are cruelty to animals.What I wanna know is; Whats the difference between people hunting deer out there and Michael Vick's dog fights
Hunters are not torturing the deer, they just kill them quick and easy. They put the head up because you dont eat the head and it looks cool to some people. Vick is an idiot for letting the fights happen on his property, weather he is black or white. If it was Brady, he would be getting ready to jail time too.What I wanna know is; Whats the difference between people hunting deer out there and Michael Vick's dog fights actual equate hunting with dog fighting?? If you are serious, you are one pathetic imbecile.
Deer live for years out in the wild and have a chance NOT to be hunted. Fighting dogs are kept in horrible conditions, starved, beaten and FORCED to fight. Deer overpopulate, consume mass quantities of food, and if left unchecked, can make entire regions of wildlife starve to death or die of disease. Also, for the anti-hunters, the human body requires substantial amounts of protein to operate at optimum efficiency, not readily available through non-meat food. Ever wonder why vegans look like death warmed over? It's because man was meant to consume meat.
';poor innocent deer'; ?

And you think race has something to do with this?

What makes you think hunters are caucasian?

Have you ever been hunting in Alabama or Louisiana? Lots of black folks out there taking game.

What about Oklahoma? Texas New Mexico? You will find a lot of Hispanic and Native NDN hunters out on opening day.

You are an idiot Race Baiter like that P.O.S Je$$e Jack$on.
i don't like hunting either...but hunting is shooting an animal...fighting is well fighting two innocent animals against each other, there's a difference...hunting is for food, what they do w/ the dogs is kill em, and that's it...if a dog isn't strong enough, they kill it, the i strongly disagree w/ dog fighting, but hunting is a way to catch your dinner
Your thought process is frightening!
Dog fighting is illegal...deer hunting is not. Deer would die from starvation if they were not hunted. So which is more cruel...hunting them or letting them die of starvation.
What an idiot bringing the ';color thing'; into this!!! There is a difference shooting an animal to eat it and letting them fight til they are injured badly and then shocking, drowing and beating them! You want to bring the ';color thing'; into it, then you are saying yourself it's the blacks out there being crule to animals!!! If the white hunters were out there making the dear fight each other, then shocking them and dragging them to the river to drown them, they should go to jail too!
your a moron for asking a question as stupid as this, learn the facts before asking questions
The main difference is that hunting deer is legal, and dog fights are illegal. When somone hunts deer, they try to hit it in a spot where it will die instantly, or at least very quick. When dogs fight, if it's to the death, the death usually takes quite awhile. Dogs are domestic animals, and deer are wild animals. That's another difference.
Are you kidding? Deers are responsible for a few car accident deaths a year and thousands upon thousands of dollars in car damages. Deers also provide a lot of meat to people that can't afford to go to the store and buy regular meat. If you are a good deer hunter then you shoot them and they die almost instantly. Dog fights are violent. The dogs bite and do whatever back and forth for a long time and if the dog doesnt die then it suffers like hell for a long time. Deers aren't pets either and were put on this earth for food. You need to get out of the city and drive in rural areas where deer are constantly running in front of your car. Maybe then you would think differently. When we hit a deer it was 3 grand to fix our car. So yeah thank god for hunters when they kill off half the population.
Because one is legal and one is not ...

It's not a question of morality.
because there is a very big difference in raising animals, doing cruel things to those animals to make them more agressive, and hunting deer. can't you see a difference? why are you trying to play the race card here? i know many black hunters and outdoorsmen. what happens when those ';poor'; deer overpopulate from not being hunted? think about that as soon as you remove your head from your rectum.
Hunting for food is sanctioned by Holy Scripture; dog fighting is not mentioned. God loves stupied people, look at how many he created. A point of interest for you; back in the 60's in montana the bambi lovers got deer hunting licenses cut back or something of that nature; there was a mild winter; the deer multiplied and were eating flowers and lawns in town and deer carcasses from starved to death deer were stacked up all over the place; any time man screws with mother nature we generally make a mess of it.
oh man! you are outof touch! Why should we not use natural resources to feed our families. those dogs are raised specifically for fighting. It is not a natural process. If they dont perform then they are killed. It is not for food or anything else - just the fact that they dont win. That is cruelty. When we hunt we are helping the animals environment. As much as you woudl like to think other wise. The number of animals that can be taken out of a certain district is strictly controlled. They know how many will be able to survive the winter in the area - factoring in winter forecasts and food availablity. Yes it can be a sport but dont think that all hunters think that are just out for a trophy kill. Many people hunt to make sure that their families have meat to eat. I prefer venison to beef anyday. So do you eat meat? Are you againest eating a hamburger too?
If you have to ask then it's obvious you don't have the mental capabilities to even begin to understand.
When deer are hunted I don't believe the hunters make a conscience effort to drown, electrocute, starve, rape and torture the deer.

I think you raise an interesting point, but for me the distinction is pretty clear. Michael Vick did all those things to dogs to prepare them to tear another dog to shreds for his amusement and profit. I'd like to think most hunters are more responsible, but I agree that trophy hunting is pretty stupid and callus towards animals.
How about 6 years in jail and No Career for a criminal act.

With billions spent on education, I would think I would not need to answer this. Guess I was wrong? First things first. Drop the race crap. As someone Who grew up in the hood I still know right from wrong. That red herring is BS. He's commited a complex criminal enterprise and up for a lot more than just fighting dogs. Sorry most brothers would rather shoot each other than deer, but don't be blaming ';the man'; for that.

As for Trying to call this a sport? Sorry I've never heard of Deer being raped to make better deer? Cruel to animals? Hunting is used to cull the overpopulation of animials. The world of suburbs have taken over the land to support those deer. They wind up in somebodies car because they are looking for food. They also damage farm crops, costing us food %26amp; money. Sorry bud you are not in the same ball park. Hell, not the same universe.
That's easy deer hunting has been accept from the beginning of time.

but here is a reason why dog fighting seems so wrong , reason one DOGS are men's best in other more people own dogs then they do deers and lots of people love dogs.

TWO the way a deer is usually kill by a bullet is less barbaric (NOTE I don't agree with deer hunting for ) dogs keep fighting until death and if they survive and loose they are usually kill by it's owner.
why does everything have to be racially motived in this country. politicians dont do everything to keep the black man down. dog fighting is illegal becuase it is a cruel torturous practice that abuses dogs. it also leads to illegal gambling. a good hunter does his/her best to limit suffering to the animal. also hunting in many states such as indiana helps to control animal populations. if they were not hunted they would become overpopulated and mess up the entire ecosystem.
soul did you forget to take your pills and the voices in your head won't go away???

1. if you drive a car and hit a deer the first words out of your mouth probbly are not ';boy i am sure glad we don't hunt deer to reduce there population';

2. IT IS NOT A RACE ISSUE ( would you feel better if he used a different color dog???)

3. if you feel dog fighting is good then do a grass roots campain to get it legalized

4 . it is like saying smoking cigarettes is legal so why am i going to jail for weed

you really need to get a grip on reallity
Does Michael Vick eat the dogs he kills?

Well the last time i checked, hunters don't go out to the woods duct tape a deers mouth shut and rope it down to kill it. Vick did that, he and his guys also broke the dogs hip so it could not move around and let other dogs train on the injured one. If you think that is what hunting is YOU ARE WRONG! The deer we hunt is actually hard to kill. you have to do many things in you favor to even get close. You don't see the dog fighters eating the dogs either, that is why i deer hunt. The things that the dog fighters are doing is buy a puppy that would normally be a loving pet and torture the animal to make it mean. deer are wild and are not pets. You have no grasp on reality and have no business speaking about what you know nothing about.
Actually a majority of people who are against dog fighting are also against hunting. Please grow up and stop making everything a race issue, the race card is so so old. Vick is wrong. Period. The end. This is not a race issue!
Whoa! Okay, there is quite a substantial amount of difference. I don't agree with the ';dogs are pets'; thing: they're all animals, they're all sentient beings with a right to live. BUT...

Dog fighting is the epitome of cruel. Two equally matched dogs (or maybe one is stronger) go head to head and fight for their lives. They are both seriously injured, and it's a slow, nasty experience of pain and terror for both dogs. Dogs trained to be mean are also mean to humans, and give their species a bad name. The people who watch the dogs are in it for the money. They treat the dogs badly and want them to get hurt. If a dog loses it can be flogged.

Deer hunting is when someone goes out into the wilds, into the world of the deer, with a gun. He respects nature and knows how it works. He has to learn about the deer and learn tracking skills. It's the hunting that's the fun part. The death is quick, controlled and carried out by a good shot - not a dog that's scared and fighting for its life so just wants out. The deer is eaten and all parts of it are used. It is respected. The dead dog is given no respect.

Personally I don't like either, but dog fighting is not even close to moral. Deer fighting, at least, I can partly understand. But comparing them is like comparing a petty thief with a serial rapist. Dog fighting is HORRIBLE. It's nothing to do with ethnic minorities. The fact they hang the deer's head on the wall does not matter to the deer. It is a sign of respect to such a beautiful, elegant creature. The reason they don't do the same with the dog's head is because it's beaten to a bloody mush and ripped apart - it's hard to tell one part of the dog from the other, and no parts are pretty enough afterwards to hang up.
Well thats a great question!!!

I Its all emotional it seems. Most hunters have no emotions for their food. thats how we were raised. When we eat a steak we dont complain or feel bad. its life. to actually do what Mike Vick allegedly did to those dogs goes far beyond any hunting. Hunters kill for food. i assume Micheal Vick killed those animals out of pure rage and hate. he not only killed them but he tortured them. Hunters have to kill their prey fast! Or the meat will be no good. Its the circle of life. You just dont do certain things to certain animals. thats the way it goes. Like i said before its all emotional. I think he should be punished by law. not because my emotions are involved but because what he did was legally wrong as well. Those animals were trained to kill. What if one got lose and attacked you.
What an absolute pile of crap your talking.

deer are hunted for their meat. humans have always been meat eaters and yes people do have fun hunting, but the deer usually has a quick death where as a dog in a fight literally gets ripped to shreds and for what? just for kicks?

over here in Britain sick bastards go around stealing family pets and turn them into vicious fighting dogs. they breed dogs just for fighting and impose such cruelty on these dogs then just bin them when theyve either been torn apart or are too wounded to fight again.

to compare the two shows how much of an **** you must be.
Because hunting is generally done for food and dog fighting is done fore pure entertainment.
ok.thats it.I usually answer logically and respectfully but you are a grade A idiot.There is nothing we can say to change your feeble ignorant mind.give me a thumbs down I don't care.You are a total moron.good day sir.
Nothing at all, Both are an act of cowardness. Now if you are to hunt animals for food and with your hands or use the surroundings given to you like your ancestors did then I would repsect that. Not that by todays age you would need to do any of that.
In general, the only difference is that one is legal and the other is illegal. Change in either is impossible. No one in the legal system wants to be seen as a proponent for dogfighting, and you could never get a hunting ban past the NRA and the (mostly conservative) politicians they own.

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