Friday, August 6, 2010

Other than human hunting, what are the reasons that Sperm whales are endangered?

I mean, wouldn't they be able to grow in numbers after we put in the law agenst killing them?Other than human hunting, what are the reasons that Sperm whales are endangered?
Sperm whales are very large predators. They take a long time to breed. They carry their young for about a year, then nurse them for two years and then it take at least 10 years, probably 20 years for that youngster to reach sexual maturity and breed. So they are very slow to replenish their numbers.

Environmental contaminants such as heavy metals, fire retardants, plastics and endocrine disrupters can cut down on fertility and a calf surviving to maturity.

Sperm whales use echolocation and are very sensitive to sound. Sonar in use by military may injure or kill them.

Sperm whales are also at risk for ship strikes and entanglement in fishing gear. There are no international laws against dumping huge, mile long nets at sea which can ensnare creatures indiscriminately for years and years.

Sperm whales feed on squid, specifically larger squid, which may also be threatened by overfishing of their prey.

So while outright killing of them is no longer a threat, they aren't in the clear.Other than human hunting, what are the reasons that Sperm whales are endangered?
';Iceland and Japan sailors and their govts are MURDERERS';

Way to go, attempting to attach a legally defined term to invoke emotive reactions.

Murder is the illegal premeditated killing of a person by another.

As far as I'm aware whales aren't people..

As for the question, they're endangered for other reasons besides man hunting them. Whales often have trouble breeding for a start.
I won't get as angry as blame bush (just look at her profile picture!) but other reason that compound their problem is that they require huge amounts of food, have a long life span (hence take a long time to reach maturity) and migrate. Migratory animals tend to be kinda hooped, because if the place that they're migrating to isn't within their niche, they've just spent huge amounts of energy for nothing. Yes, man made them endangered, the whaling industry kind of acted like a transitional phase from coal/wood to hydrocarbon based energy systems.
MAN is the cause. We would have millions of sperm whales if it werent for MAN. Did you know that the sperm whale mates for life and their calves can respond to human emotions. They have saved shipwreck victims from drowning and this is how we repay them. Iceland and Japan sailors and their govts are MURDERERS and they need to be jailed!!!!!
Well, water pollution is one way many species are dyeing and then whaling is another cause- people still do it illegally.

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